Farm: Yirgacheffe Cup Score: 87.5 Altitude: 1900 masl Process: Natural Varietal: Heirloom Certificate: Working Cup Profile: Mango, Jasmine, Juicy, sweet and creamy.

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Grown by smallholder farms around the Rocko Mountain in the Haricha Woreda, Yirgacheffe. The coffee is heirloom varietal and is grown at around 1900 m.a.s.l. The Yirgacheffe region is world famous for producing some of the best coffees in the world & has ideal conditions for growing top grade speciality coffee. The Natural process involves the ripe cherries being delivered to the mill where they are sorted and graded then placed onto raised drying beds in thins layers and turned every 2-3 hours. 6-8weeks later, depending on weather and temperature, the beans are de-hulled. This gives the coffee a very fruity & zingy cup.